Saturday, May 14, 2011


(This is the complete text of an email I sent to Marin County Supervisor Steve Kinsey yesterday, Friday, May 13, 2011 at 9:22 am, which I couldn't post here then because Blogger was out of commission.)

Dear Supervisor Kinsey:

My first job after graduating from university in 1957 was "Management Trainee" at the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco - 400 Sansome Street in those days (at the corner of Sacramento Street) - where daily I had my hands on millions of dollars in cash or securities of one sort or another, and had to account for every dime of it. When some years later the time came to leave for greener pastures, the Fed's gift to me was a deep and abiding sense of Fiscal Responsibility.

Now, in a single anonymous document, (the front page editorial in its Homestead Headlines issue for May 2011, "Measure A Funding Update...,") the Homestead Valley Community Association has soared to unbelievable heights of creative writing and sent my feeble old heart into convulsive spasms of disbelief.

Best regards,

Ray Cook

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


The May 2011 issue of "Homestead Headlines," the Homestead Valley Community Association's monthly newsletter, arrived in the afternoon mail. If you haven't received your copy yet, get one ASAP.

Best regards,

Ray Cook