Wednesday, February 16, 2011

NEWS FLASH ! ! - (Good News? - Bad News? - You decide.)

Tying it All Together - Part 5 - "From NASA to Homestead Valley"
(Reading time: couple seconds)

The other day (Valentines Day – February 14, 2011) the San Francisco Chronicle, on page A9, informed us a NASA spacecraft named Stardust was scheduled to, “meet up with its celestial sweetheart – a comet half the size of Manhattan that had an encounter with another spacecraft not long ago.” The article goes on to recall Tempel 1 (the comet referenced in the article) with these words: “In 2005, Tempel 1 received a not-so-loving visit from another NASA probe named Deep Impact, which fired a copper bullet into the comet on the Fourth of July that sparked cosmic fireworks.”

Whoa, Nellie! Hold it right THERE !

The 4th of July 2005, NASA’s reaction (on international television!) upon receiving the news that their long planned and perfectly executed “Deep Impact “ project had just blasted a hole in a by-passing comet – the Tempel 1 – was unrestrained childlike glee! The whole bulging roomful of NASA people were whooping it up like the home team had just scored!

BUT – they were celebrating – their marksmanship! at having blasted a hole in a bypassing comet, which DIDN’T BELONG TO THEM.

Just to see what is inside.

I take exception to NASA’s revolting conduct and to their whole revolting project. By whose authority does NASA presume to destroy stuff that doesn’t belong to them?

Consider this, please: To take something that doesn’t belong to you, simply because you find it appealing, and have your way with it – is the philosophy and the practice of the Thief, the Pickpocket and the Rapist – the same philosophy and practice which put the American Indians (what was left of them) on reservations because someone else coveted their land and the wealth, actual and potential, it contained.

When my thinking apparatus is engaged and directed toward Homestead Valley, scratching my chin and wondering “Hmmm,” naturally follow.

NEWS FLASH ! ! – (Good News? – Bad News? – You decide.)

To be continued.

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